About New 3 Powder:

Food can either promote diabetes or help prevent it, depending on how it affects the body's ability to process glucose. Processed foods as well as items high in fat or sugar can disrupt the balance between glucose and insulin, resulting in inflammation which causes insulin resistance and contributes to the disease.

Diets low in fat and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates are effective in reducing the risk of developing diabetes. Clinical trials of lifestyle changes in subjects with prediabetes have shown that diet and exercise leading to weight loss consistently reduce the incidence of diabetes. Effective nutrition therapy interventions may be a component of a comprehensive group diabetes education program or an individualized session.

Reported A1C reductions are similar or greater than what would be expected with treatment with currently available pharmacologic treatments for1 diabetes. The documented decreases in Al C observed in these studies are type 1 diabetes: -0.3 to -1% and type 2 diabetes: -0.5 to -2%.

Individuals who have diabetes should receive Nutrition Therapy as needed to achieve treatment goals, preferably provided by nutrition professional along with physicians support. Nutrition Therapy provides a key complement to traditional medical intervention in diabetic treatment. It helps in prevention and management of existing diabetic complications in patients, apart from decreasing the chance of development of diabetic complications in borderline cases.

New 3 Powder Nutritional Benefits:


Fiber rich food

This product has 14% fibre by its weight.Insoluble fibre may help to promote weight loss, reduce risk of colon cancer and heart disease. Fibre is essential to maintain body weight and composition, blood levels of sugar (low glycemic index), triglycerides and cholesterol.


Rich in omega fats:

This product is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids with a ratio of 1:2 approximately. This helps vegetarians who don’’t consume fish. Data suggests that omega fatly acids may prevent insulin resistance but data is limited.


Protein rich food:

This product is rich in proteins. Whole nuts are included in diet to increase omega fats, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals.


Wholesome nutrition:

Major raw material of this product is whole grains. Consuming whole grains may reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes.


Safe ingredients:

This is safely designed diet, which was developed after extensive research on natural ingredients like cereals, spices, nuts, etc, which are safely and regularly consumed in our day to day life.

How New 3 Works on Human Body

New 3 powder is a chemical free, 100% natural ingredient based supplement which helps in Blood Sugar Management. It lays the foundation of daily glycemic control in people with diabetes. It contains protein, fiber, omega fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and immunity boosters. Overall, New 3 Powder plays a key role as a part of Nutrition therapy support in the management of diabetic conditions.

NEW 3 Ingredients & Compositions

Consuming Procedure